Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Johnny Cash and I wish you the happiest of holiday seasons!
He is so tolerant of my schenanigans!

It was 80 degrees here yesterday. I wore a light t-shirt to ride and we were both sweaty when our ride was over.
 Then about 8 last night the wind started to blow and the temp dropped to 55 with wind chills in the 30's.

What gives?  I have been trying to find the holiday spirit but its hard in Florida when its 85 degrees, hot and humid while your putting up the tree!

This morning I dug out the warm jods and thermal shirts. Took us 45 minutes to warm up and break a sweat. 

Breeze was still very cool after our ride, so I threw on his cooler and let him have some hay.

                                               (I think he was growling at me in this pic)

Our rides have not been fantastic since we got home from the show. I am never 100% sure of myself and that I am asking correctly so I let him get away with a lot of stuff.
I have a lesson on Sam next week. She is worth her weight in gold as a lesson horse and does not respond unless I am asking her correctly! I always leave my lessons on her feeling more assured and usually go right home and ride Cash, trying to apply the same aids and get a correct response.
I can see continuing lessons on her for a long long time!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Im addicted!

I am so proud of this ribbon!!! My goal for our first show was to enter the ring on top of my horse and leave the ring on top of my horse! Our Intro A course was not pretty. I couldn't believe the bell was ringing as I entered down center line. We were supposed to transition to the walk at x. I was trying! We resumed and I was so messed up I circled at B instead of at A! Second bell. We gathered ourselves together and finished with a 50. BOOOO

Our second test was BETTER! Miss L called our test and I was focused on getting John to respond when I requested something of him. He was sooo forward. This same horse at home is as lazy as can be so I was having some difficulty figuring out what to do with all the energy. I kept his feet moving, lots of transitions, leg yields, circles spiraling in and out, just trying to get him to hear me!
 I was afraid to pick up my test and see my score. I cried when I saw 65.000. The judge commented that I gave away many points for not being picky enough with myself. 

I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to do this with my horse. I have to be the luckiest girl in the world. I have goals that I am dedicated to getting done, like getting as fit as I can so I can stay out of my horses way! I now have every show for 100 miles written in my planner and hope to be able to do at least 2 local shows a month. My goal is training level by April.

If my legs didn't feel like jello I would go ride!


Johnny Cash and I did our first dressage tests and actually brought home a ribbon! I am so proud that we worked together and passed this milestone. Not to say it was a calm cool collected ride...far from it. He was up Up UP!  I was thankful for the forward energy at first but he just kept getting more and more forward and used every opportunity to head for the barn. I hope Wendy had a great first show!

I will post details tonight..for now off to the barn to sort out the trailer and settle back in!!